Efficiency for your document management solution

Why should your organization use electronic signatures now? If going paperless for “green” reasons isn’t enough of a motivator, how about the added security, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness an e-signature delivers when integrated with a document management solution? And that’s only a few of the benefits.

Need more convincing? Think about the scalability and efficiency of using e-signatures across the enterprise fully integrated with your other key platforms. How would you like to be able to process and approve the majority of documents in under 15 minutes? You can.

Although electronic signatures have been available for years, the adoption of them enterprise-wide was not immediate.

Change is always hard, but this technology has truly transformed industries. The ability to integrate e-signature functionality into key platforms should finally remove any doubts about its value. You can “sign” legally just about anything with an e-signature today.

Although there are different e-signature products available, DocuSign pioneered modern electronic signature technology. DocuSign eSignature has been used by hundreds of millions of users to date to connect and automate how they prepare, sign, act, and manage agreements.

What are the most common applications for electronic signatures?

Although eSignature is used across verticals and has different use cases, here are some of the most common:

  • Human resources
  • Legal field
  • Software licensing
  • Education
  • Technology
  • Life sciences
  • Medical field

Integration matters

As more teams work remotely, and the digital world is here to stay, the biggest challenge for any application to scale depends on how well it integrates with other applications. Integrating DocuSign eSignature with a document management solution is a natural fit, saving time and money and speeding the approval process for critical documents.

The powerful combination of DocuSign eSignature and S-Drive Document Management solution delivers the most powerful document management solution on AppExchange with the most widely used electronic solution. Easy-to-use, secure, and seamless integration means increased efficiencies too.

No more leaving S-Drive to download and re-upload your documents after signature. Get remote work done faster and send and sign documents from anywhere. The added bonus is that eSignature is part of DocuSign Agreement Cloud, so the benefits extend to additional states of the agreement process like preparing, acting on, and executing agreements.

Plus, there is less room for error when you remain in a single platform.

Take advantage of two powerful solutions in one platform with S-Drive. Why manage two different platforms when you can streamline and increase efficiencies at the same time? Explore the benefits of increased security for your documents with eSignature within your document management solution.

Check out S-Drive + eSignature on AppExchange here. Helping you work faster and more efficiently, always.